Gold Valley Lakes Fishing Day with Liftec

Gold Valley Lakes Fishing Day with Liftec

2017-10-18T14:37:19+01:00 October 18th, 2017|News|

On Saturday 30th September 2017, seven members of the Liftec team came together for a fishing trip to Aldershot’s Gold Valley Lakes!

The biggest fish and biggest catch competition was certainly an intense as there could only be one winner.

A big congratulations to our fishing champion, Tony Thompson, who not only caught the biggest fish, weighing in at 13 pounds, but also the biggest catch, weighing 49 1/2 pounds.








Thank you to everyone who came along and made this day memorable: Chris Foley, Josh Fellows, Tony Thompson, Leigh Ponsford, Henry Pearce, Sean Hayler and Steve Mansfield.

We’re looking forward to another fishing day soon!